Family Glass Elevator 250Kg - 350Kg

Family Glass Elevator 250Kg - 350Kg

Price: Contact

Product code: Glass Elevator KV#1

Weight: 350 KG 
Speed: 1 meter/second
Number of Floors:  3 - 5
Material: Aluminum Alloy + Glass
Electricity supply:    220V - 1 phase
Classify: Joint venture elevator
    Top selling products

Glass chamber elevators are also known as glass elevators or glass cage elevators . Glass elevators are modern elevators that use glass panels as walls instead of using traditional metal or hydraulics. We can easily see glass elevators in shopping and business centers, hotels, restaurants and homes. Glass elevators can be combined with most structures, contributing to a modern and sleek look to any home.

Glass chamber elevator
Glass chamber elevator

If you are looking to add a touch of modernity and luxury to your building, a glass elevator is definitely what you are looking for. Not only does it enhance the aesthetics of your property, but it also provides a functional solution to mobility challenges.


Similar to common elevator lines on the market, the transparent glass elevator structure includes parts such as: Signal control panel, motor, screw, Ecosilent transmission system...

Besides, the operating system includes:

  • Ladder speed limiter

  • Mechanical braking system

  • The mechanical system ensures safe and smooth movement of elevator equipment.

  • Alarm system and overload signal

  • Rescue bell system and outside communication system

  • Safely lock the elevator door

  • Safety edging for ladder floors

  • Lighting system in case of emergency

  • The battery system returns the elevator to the nearest lower open floor in case of emergency (eg: power outage...)

  • Stairwell: options for safety tempered glass walls, insulated steel walls, insulated aluminum walls or a combination of steel and glass walls.



On the market today, there are many different types of glass elevators . To choose a glass elevator that suits the lifestyle and space of the location to be installed, customers need to carefully refer to the glass elevator classifications to choose the type of elevator they like.

Classification of glass elevators according to door opening

There are two types of glass-walled home elevators based on the way the doors open, which are manual door elevators and automatic door elevators.

Manually opened glass door elevator: This type of elevator optimizes the area and contributes to enhancing the aesthetic value of the house through sophisticated design. However, having to open the door manually can sometimes create inconvenience for the user.

Model of glass elevator with manual opening
Model of glass elevator with manual opening
Model of glass elevator with manual opening
Model of glass elevator with manual opening

Automatic opening glass door elevator: This type of elevator has a beautiful and sophisticated design, is easy to install, operates smoothly and is highly durable. In terms of size, automatically opening glass elevators are usually a bit larger than manual opening doors, so they cannot save space optimally.

Glass chamber elevator model opens automatically
Glass chamber elevator model opens automatically

Classification of glass elevators according to origin

In terms of origin, glass elevators or glass cage elevators as well as other types of elevators can be the result of the production cooperation process of domestic companies or imported from abroad. Below is a table comparing the advantages and disadvantages of these two types of elevators.


Joint venture elevator

Imported elevator


Some components are processed domestically, the rest are imported from abroad.

Imported complete units from abroad.


Construction time is faster, investment costs are cheaper.

- Using advanced modern technology.

- Exquisite, luxurious and modern design.

- Diverse colors and sizes.

- High safety for users.

- Suitable for all families from houses with limited space to houses with large areas.

- Genuine warranty and maintenance policy, long warranty period.


- Lack of uniformity, difficulty controlling equipment quality because elevator installation components are not from the same source.

- Elevator design is still limited and stereotypical.

- Safety is not high.

- Limited warranty and maintenance policy.

The price is a bit high, the elevator delivery time is long.

Warranty Policy

18 months

36 months

Maintenance policy

Frequency: 1 time/month

- 2 - 4 times/year with indoor ladders

- 3 - 5 times/year with outdoor ladders


From 400 million or more

From 1 billion or more


Thang bị đơ, không hoạt động do cửa bị hở, mất điện đột ngột, kẹt cửa, đứt cáp.

Rất ít khi xảy ra sự cố

Phân loại thang máy buồng kính theo hình dáng

Thang máy buồng kính có hai kiểu thiết kế chính: thang máy buồng kính hình tròn và thang máy buồng kính hình bán nguyệt. Cả hai kiểu này đều tạo điểm nhấn thẩm mỹ cho ngôi nhà bằng sự độc đáo và tinh tế của chúng. Tùy thuộc vào phong cách tổng thể của ngôi nhà và sở thích về thẩm mỹ cá nhân, bạn có thể chọn lựa giữa thang máy lồng kính hình tròn hoặc hình bán nguyệt để phù hợp. Ngoài ra còn có thang máy buồng kính hình vuông, hình chữ nhật,... cũng khá phổ biến.

Classify glass elevators according to shape
Phân loại thang máy buồng kính theo hình dáng


Thang máy buồng kính có thể giúp hành khách có thể nhìn toàn cảnh trong lúc di chuyển và mang lại một số lợi ích đáng kể so với thang máy truyền thống. Một số ưu điểm chính của thang máy kính bao gồm:

Tính thẩm mỹ: Thang máy buồng kính mang lại trải nghiệm hình ảnh độc đáo có thể rất hấp dẫn và hấp dẫn. Chúng cung cấp tầm nhìn rõ ràng về khu vực xung quanh, điều này có thể đặc biệt được ưa chuộng ở những nơi như khách sạn, trung tâm mua sắm và các tòa nhà cao tầng với tầm nhìn tuyệt đẹp.

Glass elevators have high aesthetics
Thang máy buồng kính có tính thẩm mỹ cao

Tăng ánh sáng: Thang máy buồng kính có thể giúp tăng lượng ánh sáng tự nhiên cho tòa nhà, điều này có lợi cho cả lý do thẩm mỹ và thực tế. Nhiều ánh sáng tự nhiên hơn có thể cải thiện tâm trạng và năng lượng của người sử dụng, đồng thời cũng có thể giúp giảm chiếu sáng nhân tạo, giúp tiết kiệm năng lượng và giảm chi phí.

Glass elevators increase natural light
Thang máy buồng kính làm tăng ánh sáng tự nhiên

Cải thiện an ninh: Ở một số nơi, chẳng hạn như trung tâm mua sắm hoặc sân bay,... thang máy buồng kính có thể an toàn hơn thang máy truyền thống. Thiết kế mở cửa thang máy buồng kính cho phép tầm nhìn rộng hơn và có thể giúp ngăn chặn tội phạm.

Glass chamber elevators improve security
Thang máy buồng kính cải thiện an ninh

Bảo trì thang máy: Thang máy buồng kính thường có ít bộ phận chuyển động hơn thang máy truyền thống nên việc bảo trì và sửa chữa dễ dàng hơn. Điều này có thể dẫn đến chi phí bảo trì thấp hơn theo thời gian.

Glass chamber elevators are easy to maintain
Thang máy buồng kính dễ dàng bảo trì

Mặc dù thang máy buồng kính có nhiều lợi ích nhưng chúng có thể không phù hợp với mọi không gian. Ví dụ, ở những khu vực có độ chói cao hoặc ánh nắng trực tiếp, độ trong suốt của thang máy bằng kính có thể gây khó chịu cho một số người. Ngoài ra, ở một số môi trường coi trọng quyền riêng tư, chẳng hạn như: bệnh viện hoặc cơ sở nghiên cứu, thang máy truyền thống có thể phù hợp hơn.


The installation location of glass elevators is also an important factor in the design and construction process of high-rise buildings and unique architectural works. Determining the ideal location for a glass elevator can benefit the customer experience as well as the aesthetics and functionality of the building. Hoang Sa Viet Elevator has proposed two popular installation locations for glass elevators, you can refer to:

Install a glass elevator inside the house

The most common location for glass elevators is usually in the middle of the stairs. In this case, the size of the glass elevator becomes very important, because thanks to its compact design, the glass elevator can easily be installed between stairs with a minimum distance between the two sides of the elevator. need 1m. This can help narrow the hallway space and create a highlight for the interior architecture.

Installation location of the glass elevator in the middle of the stairs
Installation location of the glass elevator in the middle of the stairs
Installation location of the glass elevator in the middle of the stairs
Installation location of the glass elevator in the middle of the stairs
Installation location of the glass elevator in the middle of the stairs
Installation location of the glass elevator in the middle of the stairs

Glass elevators are often also installed next to the stairs. When applying this installation method, the construction project can take advantage of the walls next to the stairs to form the well walls and the remaining sides will be made of glass. Although this installation method requires a larger area, it preserves the original design of the staircase, especially important when the owner wants to preserve the beauty of the stair handrail or materials such as stone or Wood was used to decorate the steps.

Installation location of the glass elevator next to the stairs
Installation location of the glass elevator next to the stairs
Installation location of the glass elevator next to the stairs
Installation location of the glass elevator next to the stairs

In villas with large areas, to honor the luxury and show the beauty of the glass elevator , you can choose to install it in the center of the house. This installation option requires more space, but allows families to have more options on how to move between floors from different locations, without having to concentrate at a single staircase point.

Installation location of the glass elevator in the center of the building
Installation location of the glass elevator in the center of the building

Install an outdoor glass elevator

Normally, when building a glass elevator outdoors, the glass elevator is required to have a large load capacity and large dimensions. Or in cases where there is not enough space in the house to install an elevator.

 Installation location of outdoor glass elevator
Installation location of outdoor glass elevator
Installation location of outdoor glass elevator
Installation location of outdoor glass elevator



To choose the type of glass elevator suitable for your home space and usage needs, you need to clearly understand the basic technical specifications of the glass elevator as follows:


Below is the technical specification table of the glass elevator at Hoang Sa Viet Elevator , please refer to:




Imported complete units

Number of floors


Maximum speed


Number of stops


Maximum travel


Pit hole

0 - 60mm

Electricity supply


Engine capacity

1.5 - 2.4kW

Note: Hoang Sa Viet Elevator'sglass elevatordesignmay not require digging a pit, or if it does, the pit has a maximum depth of 60mm. This number is very small compared to the 180mm pit depth that traditional glass elevator models require.

Glass chamber elevator size parameters

Glass chamber elevator size parameters help customers know specific information about the product so that they can choose the product that suits their needs.

Dimensions of glass chamber elevator with load capacity of 300kg

The 300kg glass elevator has a compact design. The size of the 300kg glass elevator only takes up about 1m2, suitable for transporting 2-4 people at a time. Glass chamber elevators with a load capacity of 300kg are suitable for installation in spaces with limited area. In particular, make sure not to destroy the architecture and above all increase the beauty of the house.

Size table of tempered glass elevator with load capacity of 300kg

Ladder floor size (width × depth)

  • 600 x 830 (mm)

  • 800×830 (mm)

  • 900×830 (mm)

  • 800×930 (mm)

  • 900×930 (mm)

  • 1000×830 (mm)

  • 1000×930 (mm)

  • 1100×930 (mm)

Clearance dimensions (width × depth)

  • 1020 x 980 (mm)

  • 1220×980 (mm)

  • 1320×980(mm)

  • 1220×1080 (mm)

  • 1320×1080 (mm)

  • 1420×980 (mm)

  • 1420×1080 (mm)

  • 1520×1080 (mm)

Glass chamber elevator with load capacity of 400 - 500kg

Glass chamber elevators with a capacity of 400 - 500kg are suitable for the transportation needs of 5 -7 people.

Size table for indoor glass elevators with load capacity of 400 - 500kg

Ladder floor size (width × depth)

  • 800 x 1217 (mm)

  • 900 x 1467 (mm)

  • 900 x 1217 (mm)

  • 1000 x 1267 (mm)

  • 1000 x 1367 (mm)

  • 1100 x 1367 (mm)

  • 1000 x 1467 (mm)

  • 1100 x 1467 (mm)

  • 1100 x 1597 (mm)

Clearance dimensions (width × depth)

  • 1220 x 1380 (mm)

  • 1320 x 1380 (mm)

  • 1320 x 1630(mm)

  • 1420 x 1430 (mm)

  • 1420 x 1530 (mm)

  • 1520 x 1530 (mm)

  • 1420 x 1630 (mm)

  • 1520 x 1630 (mm)

  • 1520 x 1760 (mm)


Below are some beautiful and luxurious glass elevator models of Hoang Sa Viet Elevator that customers can refer to to choose the model that suits their needs and economy.

Luxurious glass elevator model
Luxurious glass elevator model
Luxurious and modern glass elevator model
Luxurious and modern glass elevator model
Modern glass elevator model
Modern glass elevator model
Luxurious glass elevator model
Luxurious glass elevator model
Luxurious and modern glass elevator model
Luxurious and modern glass elevator model
The glass elevator model is suitable for all architectures
The glass elevator model is suitable for all architectures
Beautiful glass elevator model
Beautiful glass elevator model


There are two common types of glass elevators : joint-venture glass elevators and imported glass elevators. Each type of glass elevator has different prices to suit customers' budgets.

  • Joint venture glass elevator price: 500,000,000 - 800,000,000 VND.

  • Price of imported glass elevator: from 1,000,000,000 VND or more.

Note: The above glass elevator price is for reference only because it may increase or decrease depending on each product line and different requirements of each customer.

Popular glass elevator model
Popular glass elevator model


Welcome to Hoang Sa Viet Elevator - SANKYO ELEVATOR . The unit provides glass elevators in particular and all elevator lines in general, with prestige and top quality.

Who are we?

Hoang Sa Viet Elevator - SANKYO ELEVATOR is one of the prestigious and reliable names in the field of elevator supply in Vietnam. With a great deal of accumulated experience and a team of professional staff, we are committed to providing customers with elevator solutions that are outstanding in quality and safety.

Professional staff at HOANG SA VIET ELEVATOR
Professional staff at HOANG SA VIET ELEVATOR

Why choose us?

  • Top reputation: Hoang Sa Viet Elevator always puts customers' reputation first. We have built a solid name in the market thanks to quality products and reliable services.

  • Top quality: Our elevator products are manufactured with meticulous care and compliance with the highest quality standards, ensuring outstanding safety and durability.

  • Professional team: Our team of engineers and staff have extensive knowledge and practical experience, ready to meet all customer requirements.

  • Excellent customer service: We listen and support our customers wholeheartedly, ensuring that every project is executed smoothly and all expectations are met.

Construction of glass elevators
Construction of glass elevators

Contact us - Hoang Sa Viet Elevator

Construction and installation of elevators at Hoang Sa Viet
Construction and installation of elevators at Hoang Sa Viet

If you are looking for a reputable and quality elevator solution, contact Hoang Sa Viet Elevator today. We will advise and provide you with the best solution to meet your needs.

“Hoang Sa Viet - Prestige and quality accompany you on every high floor!”


Consultant: 0942.222.075

Office Headquarters: 184/20 Le Dinh Can, Tan Tao Ward, City. HCM

Hanoi headquarters: No. 229, D. Van Tri, Van Noi, Dong Anh, Hanoi

Website: Email:

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