Passenger Elevator 650Kg

Passenger Elevator 650Kg

Price: 330.000.000 đ

Product code: Passenger Elevator LD#2

Weight: 650 KG 
Speed: 90 meters/min
Number of Floors:  3 - 8
Material: Aluminum alloy 
Electricity supply:    220V - 1 phase
Classify: Joint venture elevator
    Top selling products

The 650Kg capacity elevator is very suitable for projects with a medium number of floors, the recommended number of floors is from 3 to 8 floors. Currently, the 650kg joint venture elevator line is quite commonly used in corporate offices, mini apartments, private clinics, restaurants, hotels, mini apartments, etc.

650kg elevator
Joint venture elevator model with load capacity of 650kg - Hoang Sa Viet

Classification of Popular 650KG Elevator Lines Today

Currently on the market there are two lines of 650kg elevators: joint venture elevators and imported elevators of 650kg.
- Imported elevators are elevators manufactured abroad and imported complete units to Vietnam such as: Schindler of Switzerland, Mitsubishi, Hitachi, Fuji and Toshiba of Japan.
- Joint venture elevator is an elevator line made up of components imported from abroad combined with some domestic components.

Compare joint venture and imported elevators
Comparison table of joint venture and imported elevators - Hoang Sa Viet

650KG Joint Venture Elevator Model - Hoang Sa Viet Elevator

650kg joint venture elevator at Hoang Sa fully meets all needs for a safe elevator system, always stable operation, convenient and superior automation features. In addition, when experiencing our products, you will be able to work directly with engineers and elevator technicians to agree on a construction plan that is most suitable and closest to your needs.
100% of operating machinery is imported from developed countries such as Japan, Switzerland, Germany, United States, etc. combined with domestic standard components.

✅ Hoang Sa Viet Elevator - Installation, Maintenance, Renovation of Vietnamese Quality Elevators

joint venture elevator 650
Joint venture elevator model with load capacity of 650kg - Hoang Sa Viet

Joint Venture Elevator Size 650KG

– Elevator pit size: 1900mm x 1900mm

– Dimensions OH= 4200mm

– PIT size = 1500mm

– Achieved cabin size: 1400mm x 1300mm

650kg sewing machine quickly
Joint venture elevator model with load capacity of 650kg - Hoang Sa Viet

650KG Elevator Configuration - Hoang Sa Viet Elevator

Engine Used: 650kg - Mitsubishi
Power: ~ 6.5 Kw
Engine: Mitsubishi Gearbox

Control System: Electrical cabinet – Made in Japan,
Microprocessor control system: Made in Japan, PLC – Made in Japan

750kg Elevator Cabin Model : 6-8 person type
(different patterns, textures or materials will be consulted by the design staff)

Speed: about 60m/min or 90m/min
Power source: 380 VAC - 3 phase - 50H

Family elevator 650
Glass elevator model with load capacity of 650kg - Hoang Sa Viet

In addition, the 650kg capacity elevator is also very suitable for families with many members and houses with many floors (stops). The type of glass that Hoang Sa Viet Elevator uses for elevator cabins is high-quality tempered glass. Click to view: Glass Elevator

✅ Hoang Sa Viet Elevator - Installation, Maintenance, Renovation of Vietnamese Quality Elevators

650kg glass elevator
Glass elevator model with load capacity of 650kg - Hoang Sa Viet


Consulting Specialist: 094. 2222. 075
Head Office: 184/20 Le Dinh Can, Tan Tao Ward, City. HCM
Hanoi headquarters: No. 229, D. Van Tri, Van Noi, Dong Anh, Hanoi
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