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Causes of Stuck Elevators and Quick Solutions

  • 01/01/2024
  • Elevators with special designs to meet the needs of moving through high floors not only help save time and energy but also play an important role in ensuring the lives of users. Focusing on elevator safety, especially safety devices, is extremely important to prevent unwanted incidents.

    Image of elevator jam
    Image of elevator jam

    A stalled or stuck elevator is a condition in which the elevator, during operation, suddenly stops, which can occur between floors or after reaching the floor. The causes of this situation may stem from internal technical problems of the elevator, and may also be due to other objective reasons that appear during use.

    So, what causes the elevator to get stuck? How to handle this situation? Let's find out more details about this issue with Sankyo Elevator in the article below!



    Incidents leading to elevator jams are an important problem that requires timely attention and resolution. Here is some content related to this topic:

    The elevator lost power

    The elevator suddenly plunged into darkness and suddenly stopped while the system was operating. This problem can appear suddenly at any time, regardless of whether it is due to subjective factors or due to user impact.

    Incidents leading to elevator jams
    Incidents leading to elevator jams

    The elevator got stuck because it was not equipped with Photocell door safety equipment

    Photocell door safety bars, known by many different names such as elevator infrared blinds, elevator door sensors or elevator door photosensors, play an important role in ensuring the safety of elevator users. machine. The basic function of this device is to recognize obstacles and activate the protection system. When any obstacle appears or any factor affects the elevator door, Photocell will immediately send a signal, requesting the elevator door not to close and at the same time stop the elevator operation.

    In the absence of this device, if there is an obstacle or foreign object, the elevator door will not be recognized and will continue to close. However, when closed to a certain level and still stuck with a foreign object, the elevator will be stuck. To avoid and overcome this situation, users need to learn about solutions and technical requirements and choose a reputable, genuine supplier, ensuring full equipment. necessary safety.

    Elevator jam due to improper cleaning

    After a period of use, the elevator will be covered with a lot of dirt and trash. Therefore, maintaining the cleanliness of the elevator, especially in the door and slide area, plays an important role, helping the photocell's sensors operate more sensitively. If the elevator cleaning process is not done properly on a daily basis, residue in the slideway can cause blurred sensors, leading to the elevator opening and closing incorrectly and creating a jam.

    Locked elevator due to improper cleaning
    Locked elevator due to improper cleaning

    Elevator jams due to lack of regular maintenance and repair

    Elevator jams are often the result of not performing proper and regular elevator servicing and maintenance. Maintaining elevators through maintenance activities is important to ensure that the product always operates stably, safely and smoothly. Maintenance also plays an important role in extending the life of the elevator and keeping operating quality maintained over time.

    Elevator jam due to lack of regular elevator maintenance
    Elevator jam due to lack of regular elevator maintenance

    If you do not pay attention to elevator maintenance, parts and components can easily have technical problems or damage, causing unsafety during travel. Door safety components are a good example; If not properly inspected and maintained, the safety signal can deteriorate and lead to a stuck elevator.

    To avoid such bad situations, it is important to establish a routine elevator maintenance plan, carry out detailed checks of the system's operation using testing methods and ensure that the level of awareness and Information processing is carefully examined. In case the elevator is seriously stuck or stuck inside the cabin, immediately calling the rescue service via the barn button or personal phone is essential to ensure timely handling of the problem.

    The elevator is stuck because the elevator control system is faulty

    An elevator is a complex electronic device, which means that if just one device fails, the entire system will stop working immediately and not follow the user's instructions.

    The elevator is stuck because the elevator control system is faulty
    The elevator is stuck because the elevator control system is faulty

    Subjectivity in the process of using the elevator

    During use, your small actions may not be intentional but affect the quality of the elevator. For example, when you transport goods, it is possible to accidentally bump the item against the door, causing deformation or damage to safety equipment such as Photocell.

    Incidents leading to elevator jams require special attention and quick resolution. Management and users need to cooperate to maintain safe and efficient elevator systems.


    When encountering an elevator jam problem, handling it quickly and effectively is very important to ensure the safety of users. Here are some ways to deal with elevator jams:

    Step 1: Do your best to stay calm

    In many emergency situations, panic can have consequences as negative as disaster. The most important thing is to maintain calm. Otherwise, your ability to maintain fluency in finding a way out of an emergency situation will be affected. Especially when in a group of people, your panic can spread according to crowd psychology, increasing the risk of losing control. In an elevator, a group of panicked people will definitely create a dangerous environment.

    Do your best to stay calm

    The next step is to take deep breaths and gestures such as closing your eyes, then slowly opening them to get used to the darkness, helping to eliminate thoughts of being stuck in an elevator and not being able to get out. This way, you can stay optimistic and find ways to handle the situation more effectively. darkness and tried to get rid of the thought that I was stuck in the elevator and couldn't get out.

    Step 2: Keep your body steady to avoid gravity shock

    Stand with your back against the wall, close to the control panel, and hold the handrail firmly. Slightly bend your knees to prevent the elevator from suddenly stopping or drifting freely (note that you only leave this position when the elevator is stationary and immediately return when you feel the elevator is unstable or drifting). ).

    Keep your body steady to avoid gravity shock
    Keep your body steady to avoid gravity shock

    Step 3: Find ways to communicate externally

    Once the elevator has stopped and your eyes have adjusted to the darkness, make contact with the outside: use the phone to press the emergency button, call loudly, and knock on the elevator door. To avoid causing damage or increasing the risk of the elevator becoming unstable, you should use a key chain or wooden shoe heel instead of stomping your feet or holding your hand on the elevator door. This is especially important for elevators that are weak and prone to swaying, helping to maintain calm in an emergency situation.

    Step 4: Find a way to alert the outside world

    If no one can help, find some hard metal objects: car keys, nail file, nail clippers, sharp shoe heels (scooter keys are most suitable). With one hand, put the metal object into the door crack and slowly push it. Use your other hand to hold on to the edge of the door and pull slowly but firmly and firmly. Note that if you use a key, you should slide it in and gently as when unlocking, then use the key to lock the door, avoid bending it horizontally or it will break.

    Open the door by inserting a sharp object (use a pen, book, cell phone wallet, etc.) into the door slot and pushing the door open. During this process, continue to call out loudly and make a sound loud enough to attract the attention of the person outside the door. Once the door is open about 1.5cm, a normal person will be able to open the door easily.

    Step 5: Exit the stuck elevator

    After opening the door, observe where the elevator is. In situations where the elevator is between two floors, priority is given to going to the lower floor (note that when the elevator is between two floors, right below the elevator door may be a deep and dangerous tunnel).

    When jumping off the elevator, do so decisively and do not return to the elevator. Note that standing at the elevator door while the elevator is in motion can create a risk of injury due to the elevator drifting down or up.



    - Avoid climbing out of the emergency exit on the roof of the cabin because that is where there are many electrical equipment and slippery grease, potentially dangerous.

    - When the rescue team arrives, wait for them to finish their work before going out slowly, avoid rushing out of the cabin, especially when the elevator is stopped in the middle of the floor.

    - In the case of a free-falling elevator, you should not stand or jump because you may collide with the ceiling of the cabin, causing head injury, and when in contact with the floor, it may cause a broken leg or pelvic injury.


    Hoang Sa Viet SANKYO not only focuses on the aesthetic aspect of the project but also prioritizes quality and ensures top safety. All Sankyo Elevator products meet European EC safety certificates, certified by the German Elevator Association, complying with EN-81 and EU standards of the European Union.

    With a warranty period of up to 24 months and a team of 24/7 technicians ready to support, Hoang Sa Viet SANKYO is committed to resolving all emergency situations such as elevator jams and program errors quickly, bringing bringing peace of mind to Vietnamese families.

    Cheap and reputable elevator repair and maintenance unit
    Cheap and reputable elevator repair and maintenance unit

    Information about common causes of elevator jams and how to handle them mentioned previously from Hoang Sa Viet SANKYO hopes to bring useful value to customers. With more than 10 years of experience in designing and installing elevators, along with leading technology, Hoang Sa Viet SANKYO is confident in providing the safest, most effective and most suitable transportation solutions for families. Vietnamese.

    Cheap and reputable elevator repair and maintenance unit
    Cheap and reputable elevator repair and maintenance unit

    Not only is it a unit with decades of experience in design and construction, Hoang Sa Viet SANKYO also has a diverse range of home elevator product lines with diverse designs and materials, meeting the diverse choices of customers. client. Hoang Sa Viet SANKYO, has gained trust from hundreds of thousands of customers, affirming its position as a leading home elevator supplier.

    “Hoang Sa Viet Elevator - Always with you on every high floor!”


    Consulting Specialist: 0942.222.075 Head Office: 184/20 Le Dinh Can, Tan Tao Ward, City. HCM Hanoi headquarters: No. 229, D. Van Tri, Van Noi, Dong Anh, Hanoi Website: Email:
