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Energy-Saving Elevator Lines Are Popular Currently

  • 29/01/2024
  • Different from the popular opinion that modern equipment consumes too much electricity, new generation energy-saving elevators not only help optimize performance but also reduce power consumption significantly, up to more than 40% compared to conventional products. We - SANKYO Elevator would like to invite you to refer to the list of current top energy-saving elevators , which we have compiled especially for you.

    Energy saving elevator line
    Energy saving elevator line


    Elevators are an indispensable electronic device in modern life, becoming popular especially in high-rise buildings such as apartments or office areas. Installing an elevator becomes an important and indispensable element. Based on many scientific studies, using conventional elevators with high frequency not only causes loss of power for investors but also creates significant waste of environmental resources.

    What is an energy-saving elevator?
    What is an energy-saving elevator?

    Some causes of energy waste in elevator use include elevator start/stop processes, air conditioning systems, lighting and other equipment. Therefore, developing energy-saving elevators is a useful solution to reduce this waste. Specifically, energy-saving elevator models may include:

    Energy-saving devices: For many people, devices such as lights, air conditioning, ventilation and other operational equipment may not seem to contribute much to electricity consumption. However, with continuous operation for many years, the amount of power consumed from these devices is insignificant. Improving them can lead to better energy efficiency.

    Energy recycling system: During operation, the elevator generates energy through the brake system and motor. However, this amount of energy is often greater than the actual need. Energy recycling systems are designed to collect and reuse this energy, helping to reduce waste and increase energy efficiency for future uses.

    Reference image of energy recycling elevator system
    Reference image of energy recycling elevator system

    Take advantage of solar energy: Solar energy systems are becoming a huge and constant source of energy. In recent decades, leading elevator manufacturers in the world have launched energy-saving elevator products that use all power from solar energy, making them eco-friendly. more environmentally friendly.

    Image of an elevator using a solar energy system
    Image of an elevator using a solar energy system

    Automatic on/off devices: To reduce energy waste from the elevator start/stop process, these automatic devices are designed to accurately sense usage needs. They automatically start up or switch to energy-saving mode when not in use, minimizing excess power consumption.

    In general, energy-saving elevators are a product line that integrates new technology to reduce power consumption compared to conventional products. This not only saves energy but also promotes environmental protection.



    In the context of increasing awareness of environmental protection and efficient use of energy, paying attention to energy-saving elevators is becoming an important priority in the construction sector. construction and elevator industry. Below are the most notable energy-saving elevator lines today:

    Mitsubishi energy saving elevator

    Mitsubishi elevator line , a leading elevator brand from the land of cherry blossoms, has contributed to creating a durable and high-performance reputation for the global elevator market. Mitsubishi products are not only highly appreciated by consumers around the world for their quality and reliability, but also for their smooth operation, excellent precision, and environmental friendliness.

    Mitsubishi energy saving elevator
    Mitsubishi energy saving elevator

    Mitsubishi is one of the first manufacturers to apply solar energy saving technology to its elevator products. This not only demonstrates their commitment to sustainability but also helps reduce energy consumption and environmental impact.

    The maximum power consumption of Mitsubishi machine roomless elevators is designed to meet the needs of different loads:

    • 300 – 350kg: 2.2 kW
    • 400 – 450kg: 3.2 kW
    • 500 – 800kg: 4.5 kW
    • 900 kg: 5.5 – 6.7 kW

    Through these numbers, Mitsubishi Elevators demonstrates its commitment to not only providing optimal performance but also aiming to minimize the impact of energy consumption on the environment.

    Hitachi energy saving elevator

    Hitachi Elevator , one of the famous brands from the land of the rising sun, maintains a solid reputation with high quality products and energy saving capabilities. In 2013, the company introduced to the market the first elevator integrating solar technology and a smart recycling system, helping to reduce electricity consumption by up to 60%.

    Hitachi energy saving elevator
    Hitachi energy saving elevator

    Hitachi's new elevator models use two power generation systems: solar and grid backup. This not only helps reduce pressure on main grid power but also ensures safety for passengers when the elevator gets stuck in the event of a sudden power outage. This innovation marks an important step forward in improving efficiency while minimizing the impact of energy consumption on the environment.

    Schindler energy saving elevator

    Schindler, a famous elevator brand from Switzerland, has affirmed its position in the market for more than a century since its founding in 1874. With continuous development over the decades, elevators Schindler has taken the lead in designing unique models and integrating modern technology.

    Schindler energy saving elevator
    Schindler energy saving elevator

    Schindler's big breakthrough is PORT technology, which helps elevators move quickly, smoothly and carry a larger number of passengers. This system not only enhances the user experience but also reduces waiting times and increases the overall efficiency of the elevator. In addition, thanks to the improved speed limiter, Schindler is able to better control the risk of incidents during elevator use and at the same time save energy.

    Otis energy saving elevator

    Otis energy-saving elevators represent a high-end product line, mainly applied in luxury projects such as resorts, hotels, restaurants... What is especially outstanding about Otis is the transformation Changing from the traditional traction cable system to using flat cables, combined with gearless motors and energy-saving operating devices, reducing power consumption by up to 75%. Otis, with a presence in more than 200 countries around the world, not only provides a quality experience but is also an economical and environmentally friendly choice.


    Energy-saving elevators are not only a modern convenience but also a sustainable solution, joining the green environmental trend that is increasingly popular globally. These products not only meet the need for efficient mobility but also aim to reduce the impact of energy consumption on the environment.

    As a leading unit in the field of providing professional elevators in Vietnam, SANKYO Elevator is proud of its commitment to providing customers with quality products, complete inspection documents and certificates of origin. With a team of experienced and highly trained personnel, SANKYO Elevator confidently advises and installs optimal, flexible elevator solutions suitable to customers' needs and budgets.
    For more details and in-depth advice, please contact us immediately via HOTLINE 0942.222.075 . The above article shared information about energy-saving elevators that are very popular today. All your questions will be answered in detail and quickly.

    “Hoang Sa Viet Elevator - Always with you on every high floor!”


    Consulting Specialist: 0942.222.075 Head Office: 184/20 Le Dinh Can, Tan Tao Ward, City. HCM Hanoi headquarters: No. 229, D. Van Tri, Van Noi, Dong Anh, Hanoi Website: Email:
